
For the fin of the year, a little poem I wrote about one of my most favourite countries – Finland. From this land the ancestors of my mother come from. They were Sami, the Indian peoples that are still living in Lappland today.

Zum Jahresende, ein kleines Gedicht, das ich über eines meiner Lieblingsländer schrieb – Finnland. Aus diesem Land kommen, mütterlicherseits, meine Vorfahren. Sie stammen von den Samen ab, dem indianischen Volk, das heute noch in Lappland lebt.


The beginning and all the goods
Sea, lakes, islands and woods
A fairytale realm in white and blue
That‘s all hidden in you

Songs of angels in the air
Words of poets everywhere
Swans that we’ll care for
The opening of a hidden door

Feelings in the growing heart
Will never keep apart
What dreams may come in the light
The stars will guide us through the night

En ma fin est mon commencement

SW March 2019

Have a Happy New Year!
Ein frohes Neues Jahr!

Yours, Eure


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